Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wake-up Call

I was trying to find a friend from high school last night on the Internet and happened to come across an old friend of mine that I hadn't thought of in quite awhile. We weren't really good friends but I remember making fun of her because she went to school (seminary) before school everyday. So when I found myself going to school (seminary) before school everyday a few years later, I got in touch with her and we had a nice laugh about it.

As I was perusing her website, I noticed there were quite a few comments mentioning how people would miss her. I eventually came across her obituary. Turns out she was killed in a 4-wheeling accident in October. ATVs are so dangerous. My Grandpa's cousin was in an accident about a year ago and suffered extreme brain damage. People just don't think to wear helmets. I'm not sure I would ever get on one again.

Anyway, after discovering Rachel's untimely death, it really made me think. We never know when our time is up. Many think teenagers are the only ones that think they're invincible, but in reality, we all tend to think we are. Am I doing everything in my power to lead a good life and be a good person? Can I go to bed each night and be comfortable with the fact that I might not wake up in the morning? Am I making Heavenly Father proud? Am I doing the so-called "little" things everyday like studying my scriptures instead of reading them? Do I not just pray to Heavenly Father but talk with Him everyday? Do I magnify my calling? Do I attend the temple regularly?

It's so easy to get caught up with day-to-day life and forget about what's really important. I always make time to write papers and do homework assignments well, but for some reason I slack when it's time to do the spiritually important things.

Not only do I need to change, but I want to change. What if today is my last day? Did I do everything in my power to be successful--both spiritually and temporally? I spend so much time worrying about the future that I forget to live in the moment. I heard someone say (possibly in a movie) that life isn't about the number of breaths you take, it's about the number experiences that take your breath away. I think that Heavenly Father blesses us with these little experiences almost everyday, but it's up to us whether or not we take the time for them. I sincerely hope that I can take more time for my life and remember what's important and live each day to the fullest.


jaacs said...

Well said. I agree. We do tend to go through the days and get a bit lax in our callings in life...and what if we were called home sooner than we 'plan'?

Thanks for the reminder to be a better wife/mom/woman/daughter of God. :)

Anonymous said...

So true. Love your sentiment, love your website! I will be a constant reader.

Miss K$ said...

Wow- thanks for commenting on my blog. This post is also great- really great. I think people really relate to this kind of thing. It could be part of the moremormons blog. You should be an author. Really- if you send me your email- ill invite you-- and delete your email so no one else can see it.