Sunday, February 15, 2009

No Meat for You!

It's official. As of February 16, 2009, I am becoming a vegetarian.

This is something I've been contemplating for a couple years now and I've finally decided to do it. Lately, the thought of eating any kind of meat sickens me to the point I can't even bring myself to eating it.

This past week I bought a vegetarian cookbook and have been studying it. Yesterday, I spent the morning grocery shopping and today, I got ready for the week by making a couple different dishes. I made a curried eggplant dish (which I liked, but my mom -- not so much.) and corn chowder, which is so delicious I'm pretty sure I could eat it for all three meals everyday.

So I'm all ready for the week and don't have plans to eat a single ounce of meat! I'm excited! This has been a long time coming.


SarahC said...

Good luck. Seriously. I love meat, but I'm impressed by people who can pull off the vegetarian thing. Keep us posted how it's going!

jaacs said...

Awesome. Are you doing lots of beans? Because I've thought of this (though I LOVE steak so this wouldn't work long long term for us) but feel like it would be too expensive if I was buying the fancy veggies all the time. So I go back to lots of beans and rice...which is fine, of course. We compromise by only buying ground turkey and chicken breasts and reserving red meat for when we go out to dinner. Also...we don't make meat the 'star' of the meal...if that makes sense.

You are a stud. Good luck!