Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pet Peeves of the Pisser

I don't have a goat, but if I did, this would totally get it.

Why is it that new buildings install just one or two pieces of automatic equipment in their restrooms? It doesn't make sense! I mean, if you're gonna go sensored, GO ALL SENSORED! It only makes sense that a public restroom would have an automatic soap dispenser, an automatic faucet, an automatic towel dispenser AND an automatic toilet flusher, not just one or the other.

And don't even get me started on the automatic toilet flushers. Those things can be dangerous. How many times has your chapstick or keys or phone slipped out of your pocket while you're getting up off the pooper? With these newfangled automatic pooper flushers, you're screwed. You can kiss your pee-soaked belongings goodbye. Because let's be honest, who doesn't want their pee-soaked chapstick back?

1 comment:

jaacs said...

Not to mention how they freak out children.

Specifically young children.

Specifically young children who are in the middle of potty-training!

A was fine at first and liked them...but then we were out with another friend who would hop off the toilet if someone flushed on the other side of the bathroom. Then A decided she didnt like them either. It took months for me to convince her that I could just cover it with my hand and she would be okay. I hope J doesn't have a problem with it.