Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Project Britney Spears to Commence

I started my PE class for the fall. It's Individualized Fitness online a.k.a a PE class that I can totally fake my way through because there's no way my progress can be graded through the journals I turn in every Monday.


I'm not gonna be that girl. Nope. I was thinking about Britney Spears the other day. Judge me all you want, but I like her. That's right. We're BFFs. She even sings a song about me called "If you seek Amy". Her boss made her spell my name like that though because it's easier for people to spell. Douchenozzle. Anyway, I think she has a killer body. She's also 5'3. Wait a second! So am I! This is when it dawned on me!


You just can't tell. But whatever. Minor detail. That's why today is the first day of Project Britney Spears.

So far, so good. I exercised. Haven't eaten any crap. I change my mind frequently. I know, I know. Everyone's thinkin', "Wait. What?" But I heard once that she worked up to doing 1500 situps three times a week to get her abs. Today is a day that I'm like, yeah, it's totally worth it. I'll work my way up to 1500! I started with 25.

So anyway, Go Miz Britney! Go Miz Aimee!

1 comment:

jaacs said...

LOL. You crack me up. I know you can do anything you put your mind to! Go for it!